español de américa latina


Español General de América Latina – Beginners (A1-A2)


12 weeks | 1.5 hours/week | Online

Designed for beginners and those looking to solidify their foundational knowledge, this course takes you through the essentials of Latin American Spanish while exposing you to the rich diversity of Spanish-speaking cultures.

  • At Level A1, you will build a solid base in Latin American Spanish, learning how to understand and use everyday expressions and simple phrases. By the end of this level, you will be able to introduce yourself, answer basic questions about personal details, and interact at a very basic level, as long as the conversation partner speaks slowly and clearly. You’ll gain confidence in using Latin American Spanish to handle simple conversations and social interactions.

  • In Level A2, you’ll expand on your skills and be able to comprehend common phrases and expressions related to immediate areas of relevance, such as personal information, shopping, and work. You’ll be able to communicate in routine tasks that involve simple exchanges of information, and describe aspects of your past, surroundings, and basic needs in easy terms.

12 weeks


1.5 hours/week


€ 360

Start Date:

January 13, January 15, January 17

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