The Power of Tropical Plants and Fruits: Detox Wisdom from the Costa Rican Jungle

The Power of Tropical Plants and Fruits: Detox Wisdom from the Costa Rican Jungle


Learn how Costa Rican tropical plants can detoxify your body and boost your health with this 2-hour practical course on herbal remedies and plant-based detox shots.

Module duration:

2 hours.

Start date:

May 30, 2025.

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This Capsule Course, led by Pia Plant from Costa Rica, focuses on the detoxifying properties of tropical plants and their healing benefits. You will explore the toxins that impact the body in urban environments, discover which fruits, vegetables, and plants help to purify and rejuvenate the body, and learn how to prepare tropical plant-based detox shots. Even if you’re in Europe, you’ll be able to use easily available ingredients to replicate the detox process.

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