Latin American Spanish for Intermediate 2 Regular
Latin American Spanish for Intermediate 2 Regular
€ 360,00
General Latin American Spanish | Intermediate 2 (B1) | Regular
This course is for students who already have an intermediate level of Spanish (B1) and wish to consolidate and refine their skills. The focus is on enhancing speaking and writing through more advanced topics.
A level assessment will be conducted to ensure you’re placed in the correct course for your level.
Textbook: Aula Internacional Plus 5 ISBN: NP12218224911DEMO, €21.90
Niveau: | B1 |
Day: | Tuesday. |
Zeit: | 17:30 – 19:30 (CET). |
Beginnt: | March 25, 2025. |
Endet: | June 10, 2025. |
Class: | Group of 6 participants. |
Modality: | Regular. |
Format: | Online |
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