Buena Charla Advanced Evening 2
Buena Charla Advanced Evening 2
€ 239,00
Buena Charla Social Club Conversation Sessions | Advanced | Evening
Aimed at advanced learners (B2-C1), this course helps refine your speaking skills by engaging in complex conversations on diverse subjects related to Latin American culture and society.
No level test is required, but it is recommended to have at least B1 level to participate.
No textbooks are used, but we provide discussion content and materials for each session.
No textbooks are used, but we provide discussion content and materials for each session.
Niveau: | B2-C1 |
Day: | Thursday. |
Zeit: | 17:30 – 19:30 (CET). |
Beginnt: | March 20, 2025. |
Endet: | May 22, 2025. |
Class: | Group of 8 participants. |
Modality: | Regular. |
Format: | Online. |
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