Latin American Spanish for Advanced 1 Regular
Latin American Spanish for Advanced 1 Regular
€ 360,00
General Latin American Spanish | Advanced 1 (B2) | Regular
Aimed at students with a high intermediate level (B2), this course focuses on perfecting language skills with complex content and more advanced communication situations.
A level assessment will be conducted to ensure you’re placed in the correct course for your level.
Textbook: Aula Internacional Plus 5 ISBN: NP12218224911DEMO, €21.90.
Niveau: | B1-B2 |
Day: | Wednesday. |
Zeit: | 17:00 – 19:00 (CET). |
Beginnt: | April 2, 2025. |
Endet: | June 17, 2025. |
Class: | Group of 6 participants. |
Modality: | Regular. |
Format: | Online. |
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